Sunday, November 14, 2010

Off to a rough start

Just after creating this first post, my computer died, or rather, made it clear that it is in terminal condition and on its way out. At over 5 years old and with a cracked case, I suppose that I should be greatful that it even runs, even though it no longer connects to the internet. My access is now limited to what I can do on my iPhone and what I can do at school, where I have to navigate around limited access to ANY blog. At the moment, I've sneaked onto someone else's laptop.

At any rate, it will be a while before this blog is up and running, if ever.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

For starters

If you are reading this you are most likely:

a) my mother- who has always been the most avid reader of anything I have written. Ever. Thanks Mom.

b) one of 4 people who read my old blog Locked Out of the Teacher's Lounge, in which I sporadically chronicled the trials and tribulations of being an unemployed teacher (Mom, you are included in the 4).


c) here through some degree of Facebook stalking. Welcome. Glad to see I am not the only one who engages in such activities.

Let me catch you up to speed, as my last blog ended abruptly (or, more specifically, was totally abandoned).

After finishing my Master of Arts Teaching program I had a job in Worcester, Mass for a single school year. In that year, I began to have doubts as to whether or not this was really what I wanted to do with my life. I left, took an office job the following fall and realized after about a month of sitting behind a desk answering phones that yes, my time and talents would be much better spent in the classroom. Over the next 3 years I tried to get BACK into teaching, taking on a variety of education-related jobs in the meantime. This fall, my proverbial prayers were answered and I landed a job at one of the schools at which I had previously subbed. This came right on the heels of me getting engaged. Things were really looking up. I finally had everything I had always wanted. I had, however, neglected one little detail....

... I kind of suck at teaching.

This is a topic I will delve into in great detail as this blog unfolds (still sporadically, I'm sure), so I won't get into the specifics just yet. Here's the silver-lining though; my previous experience as a first year teacher taught me that this is quite normal. I anticipate that this 2nd First Year (ladies and gentlemen, we have a title) will be full of frustrating mistakes, and that I'll finally feel like I have some sort of handle on things about 2 days before the school year ends. The upshot is that this time around, I fully anticipate sticking around to see what the second year of teaching is like.